
My name is Jerom Thambipillai (8692). I am part of Group 2 consisting of Olamide Ajisafe (8010) and Matthew Davies(8511). I have completed Brief 1: Film. To see my portfolio evidence please click on the labels on the right named "A2 research and planning plan, A2 construction A2 evaluation"

music video

Below is our finished music video

Group 3 Music Video Layla Obi- Blue Lights


Below is the outside panel of my Digipak Album cover



Album cover

Below is the inside panels of my album cover


Click on the picture below to be redirected to our website

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Evaluation Q2: What have you learnt from participating in each of the prelim tasks 1,2,3 and 5?

Task 1: Complete and Audition Video 

Below is our audition video

Although singing along to "Uptown Funk" doesn't see very educational I learnt a lot from the process. For example I learnt how to lipsync with confidence. Although I was quite uncomfortable and felt awkward at first as we progressed I became more confident in front of the camera. This was a vital skill I needed in order to perform for the remake.  

Me lip-syncing
Whilst editing I also learnt how to sync our lip syncing video with the overlaid music. After a while this became quite easy and was an essential skill needed to edit our remake. 

Task 2: Learn and practice your performance

In order to be ready for shoot day we had to do two-weeks of rehearsals before hand. This ensured we were ready to perform in front of the camera straight away and cut down the time of the shoot massively. Without the dance-rehearsals, the shoot day would be near impossible. The dance rehearsals also helped us become more confident in performing in front of each other and proved beneficial on shoot day.

Our Timetable

Tasha, our dance teacher, uploaded videos of her performing the dance moves. This made sure we could memorise our routines outside of rehearsals if necessary. This was helpful as we all needed to know our routines of by heart by shoot day in order to efficiently shoot.

In addition to learning how to dance we also learnt how to perform from Jasmine. This included skills such as confidence, eye contact, performing to camera and generally embodying a role. 

me using performance skills to perform to the camera

Task 3: Help to plan and organise costume

For our costumes we were given a set list of things needed.

 The majority of my costume was brought in by me, with some accessorises borrowed from fellow students and the media department. We then designated each costume their own hanger which helped organise the costumes and thus make the shoot more efficient. I wore the following costumes

  • Robot costume
  • Contempary costume
  • Hip hop costume
  • End dancer costume
  • Cheerleader costume
  • Band member costume

Me with all my different costumes

Task 5: Complete the remake edit

We completed our edit in a two week period. This was done by maximising any time possible through making a timetable. This ensured we finished the edit efficiently and by the deadline. During the edit I improved upon my existing skills such as sequencing, syncing to audio and grading as well as discovering new editing features such as levels.

me editing the remake
Overall I am quite pleased with the edit and I think I am well equipped with editing skills for next year

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